DIY Elf on the Shelf Quarantine

It's that time of year again!! Our elf always arrives after we decorate which was pretty early this year. Unfortunately Santa asked for Elfy to be quarantined for 14 days and sent her in a quarantine house. If your Elf needs to be quarantined check out this easy to create DIY Elf on The shelf Quarantine House and Mask for the Elf. No Sewing required.... just some fabric, scissors and a rubber band or hair band of some sort.
The first thing is making sure your elf on the shelf has a proper Covid-19 Mask. I know there are much nicer ways to create a proper mask for the elf but I had about a 5 minute window of time so had to make it quick. If you are like me, you will appreciate this!
1. Cut a stretchy knit type of fabric (use an old sock, shirt, anything that is fabric like) to a size that will cover the elfs face properly. Go a little big so you can cut down later
2. Cut two small slits on each side of the mask. Ideally the fabric is a knit so it wont fray much. Then cut a rubber band or hair band so it can be inserted into the holes
3. Insert the band through the holes then circle it back and tie it in a knot so it creates a band that will go around the elf's head.
4. Thats it! Now put it over your elf's face and you are done!
And yes... our elf is VERY DIRTY. My kids are allowed to touch and play with our elf. We got special gold magic glitter when camping from some fairies and they left a note that if we used it on the elf he would be protected from our touch. So my kids play with the elf ALL DAY, all the time during the month of December #worthit. It is only a problem on the days when they lose the elf and he is hiding somewhere at night and doesn't do anything magical.
We used an old FISH TANK I found in the garage but I think any sort of Jar or container could work! I spray painted it gold and filled it with some ornaments.
Below is the printable sign. You can cut any of the fonts that you like! I created a few options.
DOWNLOAD THE SIGN HERE - in various colors, just choose the page you want to print.
Last thing is the letter from Santa! I downloaded this from the ELF ON THE SHELF WEBSITE. You can click the link to visit their page and download then print it!
I hope you enjoyed this idea! We have lots more Elf on the Shelf Ideas coming! Sign up for our newsletter to get the 25 Elf on the Shelf Ideas for nightly fun at home with your elf. These will be sent out Dec 1st.
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